Grant Requirements
General Guidelines
Grants up to $15,000 are available to not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations within western Pennsylvania and in areas where the Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities minister.
Pledges are not made, but organizations may reapply in consecutive years. Mid-year and year-end reports help to determine further funding.
Certain assets are restricted geographically to western Pennsylvania and are categorized into eight recommended dispositions:
- Capital construction projects, equipment needs and/or physical plant renovations
- Care of the indigent
- General purposes requested by not-for-profit organizations
- Support of educational, research and wellness programs
- Medical educational programs and/or related materials
- Scholarships for nursing and related nursing educational needs
- Psychiatric, mental health, mental retardation, and addiction services
- Health care related programs in the city of Pittsburgh
Organizations and grant proposals must be in conformity with the ethical and social teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
Portiuncula Foundation
Our name, Portiuncula, is derived from the Italian word Porziuncula, the name of the tiny church dear to St. Francis and the early friars. (Pronounced port-zee-oonk-ooo-lah with accent on the third syllable.) This word means “Little Portion.” Thus, the Portiuncula Foundation represents the “Little Portion” that God has given to the Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities to help further the work of God
in our ministries and in collaboration with others.
Founded in 2003, the Portiuncula Foundation supports efforts to advance health and well-being in communities where the Sisters of St. Francis live and work. The foundation manages the restricted gifts and charitable funds formerly held at the Pittsburgh-based St. Francis Health Foundation, St. Francis Hospital of New Castle, and St. Francis Medical Center in a manner in keeping with the original intent of the donors.
The Portiuncula Foundation also administers the memorial nursing scholarships originally established at the former St. Francis Medical Center School of Nursing. Three scholarships are available.
Organizations which are applying for a grant from Portiuncula Foundation for the first time should apply with this comprehensive form.
This form must be received no later than 3 p.m on April 15th.
Organizations who are renewing awarded grants for similar projects are welcome to reapply in this consolidated form.
This form must be received no later than 3 p.m on April 15th.